Archive for Barack

America: The Double Edged Sword

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , on November 5, 2008 by thenewserials

So Barack Obama is the President Elect.

It’s rather odd watching the news and seeing history being made; I know years from now I’ll see clips of last night and be able to place where I was and how i felt. It’s like looking into the future to watch myself look into the past. An odd feeling by all accounts; but, one I can be proud of for the rest of my life.

To think that 51 years ago African American’s gained the ability to vote and here they are now winning presidential elections and such. It’s the end of a political season that has been both tiring and bruising. I’ve never felt so strongly about politics; I get involved, I have my opinion; but, I’ve never really been sure of something like this before. Watching how the race started and how it has ultimately finished is a stark difference.; but, to quote Chrissie Hynde “One Thing Never Changed” and that’s Barack Obama’s respect and moral integrity. Above all he didn’t bother to stoop to the levels of the McCain/Palin ticket (which was done out of desperation) and stayed the example of a proud American working at full capacity without sacrificing his/her moral beliefs and standards. It has made me even more proud to live in this country and share it with everyone who is here…even the disgusting bigots who I’ll refer to right now…

In not so happy news; California, Arkansas and Florida have taken a step backwards while the rest of the nation happily jumped forward. Proposition bigot, er, I mean eight passed in California allowing for same sex marriages to be illegal under the states constitution. A similar bill was passed in Florida and Arkansas passed a bill banning Homosexual couples from adopting children.

There is seriously something wrong with a country that doesn’t want to extend benefits for people who date different people from the rest of them. These propositions are clear and blatant examples of the bigotry that still exist within the country; that I hope Obama will address in his Presidency. It’s strange to see that adoption by same-sex couples is illegal. In a country that has so many needing children who need a family; you would think people would try to make it as easy for them as humanly possible; but, because they don’t agree with people’s lifestyle. It’s sick and it’s retroactive.

This brings me to the point of why I’m proud of African Americans for proving that I’m 97% right all the time. I used to say:

“African American’s won’t make it anywhere; because they refuse to stick together and instead want make it as individuals and never as a group of people. Their struggles in the past have been almost nulled by the current generation and unless something major happens their going to settle for anything.”

And essentially I’m right. Yesterday they showed that they could come together and totally smash the odds. They took something that could grasped the election. Imagine what else they could achieve if they worked together?

And now I’m saying the same thing about Homosexuals. They really need to go out there and stop excepting Civil Unions. Start Demanding marriage and if they don’t give it to you; take it. I’m not promoting violence; I’m promoting taking whats your right as an American person. It’s time to stop being complacent and start being loud and obnoxious. I’m proud of my African American Brothers and sisters for sticking together and now I need my homosexual, bisexual whateversexuals to stick together and get what they deserve.

Even more so it would be my ultimate dream to see the African American community embrace the Homosexual community and recognize they’re still back there. They’ve moved up and it’s time to look back and lend a helping hand. Don’t make the double-edge Sword of America’s tolerence get sharper. Sharper your end for equality and rights and dull the end of seperate; but, equal mindsets.

Together America can be the place in the world that everyone should look at.

And that Day Could always be Today.

“Maybe Tomorrow…Maybe Someday”

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 1, 2008 by thenewserials

Halloween is almost here and I haven’t begun to construct my costume.

I’m a  little concerned that I won’t be able to get all the parts of the costume in the next three weeks; but, if I’m lucky and frugal enough there shouldn’t be any reason why I don’t.

Since the last time I blogged nothing has really happened; I’ve been spending my days playing my Genesis Emulator on the PSP; enjoying old school games like “Pirates of Dark Water” , “Monopoly” and “Sonic SpinBall”. The old games still back that same punch and can even hang with some of the games of the present day.

Movie and T.V. news is the same. Quantum of Solace and 24 are still coming out…yay!

Break Up The Concrete is coming out Tuesday along with the show at the Highline Ballroom. It’s almost here and I am more than almost ready. I have yet to hear the last two songs on the album (“Break Up the Concrete” and “One Thing Never Changed”) but; I’m tempted to do a mini review of the album. I won’t, there are other things I can talk about.

Yesterday I visited my grandmother in Queens. A spur of the moment “Daycation” with my mother. It was very nice; the last time I had seen her was Christmas of 07′ and its always a pleasure to be in her company. It’s bitter sweet when you love someone like a grandparent, because you’re watching them get old. Yesterday she repeated herself a lot, her memory isn’t great and she now walks with a cane. But at Seventy-something what do you expect right? That being said she still has her wit. While my mother and I were watching T.V. something brushed against our feet (a hair from Max, my grandmother’s very overweight Welsh Corgi) and we both looked down to inquire. She asked us what was wrong and we said “nothing” to which she responded.

“oh ok…let me know if I have to run”

That single line made me smile the rest of the day; it’s moments like that that remind me I’m a lucky guy. I don’t have a lot; but, what I do have is top notch.

It was good to take this “daycation” with my mother; we barely ever go out together anymore and sometimes it’s just good to get away…even if it is just to Queens. I was little upset Engels didn’t come. He couldn’t because he had to work; but, I don’t know as much as he annoys me and bores me sometimes I never seem to want to do anything without him.

Before my mother and I left for Queens we were coming down the stairs in our building and she, quite vocally, sung: “Maybe Tomorrow, Maybe someday. You’ve Changed…” That’s probably the extent of what she knows; but, it was funny to hear my mother sing a Pretender’s song, unprompted. Sometimes I wonder if she can really process what the Pretenders are to me…

That brings me to “Talk of the Town”…If you haven’t heard so now.

There’s a few things I wanted to bounce off the internet before my next post; which will probably be all about the concert and what not.

#1: The Presidential debate: Wasn’t it interesting? Both candidates performed well and at some points even seemed human, McCain called out Obama on some of his policies, and Obama called out McCain on his telling half of the story about Obama’s policies. I think if we had to pick a ‘winner’ It would have to be…


I mean the guy was so on-point, more than what anyone really thought he would be. This was to supposed to McCain’s bag; but, Obama proved he’s not a push over. Now…for the Vice Presidential debates.  To quote Matt Damon (probably the last time I do this) “She’s like a bad Disney Movie”


Now for everyone who knows me, knows that I can’t stand stupidity and gimmicks. This is the whole reason why I don’t watch foolishness like “SmallVille”; but, no matter how hard I try to get away it finds me. There’s really no other way to explain why they would make a show about a Pre-Robin Dick Greyson aside from…desperateness. CW has been struggling to stay afloat in ratings long before it’s switch to the new name. To show a Gotham and not show Batman is like to read the bible and not mention Jesus. It’s pretentious and desperate.

#3: Here in NYC Mayor Micheal Bloomberg (whom I’m fond of) is apparently going to try to run for a third time. He cites the economic disaster as his reason; but, I’m sure he considered this before the crisis. I like the guy. Giuliani came in here and made the city look nice; but, Bloomberg came in here and actually made the city a nice play to live and visit. The guy is to the point and will not apologize for doing the right thing. I think he’s about as honest as a politician can get and he seems to know whats best. The man is planning for the future of New York well after he’s gone. This is not to say that he’s perfect; I draw major issues with his handling of the schools. It’s essentially help the ones that are doing well and let the rotting ones die. While schools are there to educate kids they are severely undermining the staff and the good people who help the kids. The kids in high school are not all smiles and hallmark cards; some of these kids are horrible; filthy, rude monsters and it takes a real dedicated person to put up with them. But nothings perfect…is it?

Until next time…